Perfume to sleep with review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-06-05 10:42:06    文字:【】【】【

What perfume can help you fall asleep quickly? Here we review some fragrances that help you sleep.

The smell of sandalwood is very pure, and sandalwood is intended to be soothing and soothing in aromatherapy. Very busy during the day, at night. Because after I smell this, I slowly feel quiet, and then I associate the smell of sandalwood with the temple, and I feel relaxed.

Miller Harris
Afternoon Earl Grey Tea
The light aroma of tea has a very mild fruit fragrance, like the taste of flower fruit tea, which is not aggressive, and it is very pleasant to smell it after sleeping.

Ike capa
White moss
It is suitable for use before going to bed in a good mood. It has a clean smell after taking a bath, and it feels cleaner after spraying. In the middle and back tone, the warm musk inside has a feeling that the bed is warm.

Warm cotton
It is suitable to spray this perfume after changing the new bed sheets. No matter what washing powder is used to wash the quilt, the smell of the quilt is not natural. At this time, when you spray Clean warm cotton, you will feel that the bed cover is finally washed Clean, and the bed is shaggy by the sun. Xiaobian likes the smell of clean cotton to fall asleep.

The original cologne
Small edition also uses a lot, the reason is the taste is clean and cheap.

White peach parsley
This is a negative textbook for small series. Do not spray this lively fruit fragrance when you sleep. After small series spray, you are especially excited and do not want to sleep.

Serge lutens
Sweet child LanMu
It is the taste of fluffy small cream, spray this happiness and very soft, the mood will become very good, sleep very comfortable, won't have nightmares at night.

Artie fairy
Sweet Chinese fir rain cane
when the weather is not too cold to sleep with the Windows open, listening to the wind, and smell the taste of the wind, incense cedar rain gush cane can let a person associate to the rain, be watered the smell of grass green leaves, smell the rain feel special enough, spray it fancies himself in the mountain hut, windy outside, the rain, people listen to the falling rain to sleep in the house. Relaxed.

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