Nintendo Switch – OLED Model Review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-08-29 21:37:56    文字:【】【】【

The Switch OLED. This may not be the fabled Nintendo Switch Pro that people have been hoping for, lacking any type of performance upgrade to challenge the upcoming Steam Deck, but including the new OLED screen will result in a bigger upgrade than you might expect - at least for portable gaming.

However, since the Switch's main appeal is its ability to play as a portable and home console, it's very odd that Nintendo hasn't provided a significant reason to upgrade for the latter use case. If you're primarily using the Switch as a home console, it's best to skip the new OLED model altogether.
The screen-LED screens are a massive upgrade from LCD. The screen size has been increased to 7 inches.The screen resolution is capped at 720p.
Let's focus first on the most exciting feature: the nominal OLED screen. I'm quite familiar with OLED screen technology, having seen it implemented on a variety of laptops and TVS, but I'm still surprised by its impact on the Nintendo Switch.
OLED panels achieve better contrast and color accuracy, resulting in images that are far superior to the original portable image -- even on the home screen, with the difference between day and night. The Switch OLED panel looks brighter, with bolder, more vibrant colors popping up on the display.
The improved colour accuracy is also evident, showing a pure white background compared to the red hue of its predecessor. Breath of the Wild's opening shot stands out even more when played on the OLED model, bringing out more detail in the sky and lush green forest while creating a greater contrast between sunlight and shadow in the cave.
Of course, OLED screens also have notorious downsides - burn-in issues have seen images scorched onto the displays of older TVS after long periods of showing still images. But I don't think that's a problem. If you don't use the device for five minutes or so, the Switch OLED will automatically go to sleep, and OLED technology has come a long way to solve this problem in recent years.
Nintendo has also increased the screen size of the OLED model, from 6.2 inches to 7 inches. That doesn't sound like much of an improvement, but the increased width makes a huge difference. Personally, I'm very happy with this aspect, as I'm transitioning from Dink's Switch Lite.
The screen resolution stays the same at 720p, but I don't think that's a problem at this screen size. I've never noticed a single pixel when playing in a portable game, and I personally don't want pixels to increase if it means a larger design or shorter battery life. The new bracket is better at supporting switches, maintaining the same portability as the standard model, and the Dock has been redesigned to include Ethernet ports. The new OLED screen will grab all the headlines, but Nintendo has also made some design tweaks to make it feel more advanced. The most significant upgrade in this regard is the new bracket - it now extends to the portable entire rear for sturdier holding power, and it supports multiple angles for added versatility.
My OG Nintendo Switch often tipped over when propped up on a train table, but I'm sure this won't be an issue with the OLED model. The Switch OLED is still mostly made of plastic, but feels much better than its predecessor, with a sturdier build and better ability to hide fingerprint smudges. While the OG Switch is arguably a toy, it is a premium product aimed at a more mature audience.
The speakers have also been enhanced for a louder, more subtle sound. I was impressed with the audio quality of the portable headphones and was happy to play without them at home. Bluetooth now also supports all wireless headphones on the Switch console.

It has all the same buttons and ports, including the power button, volume switcher, headphone jack, USB-C charging and microSD storage expansion. There is also a game cartridge slot - but, as someone with very short nails, I find the game cartridge slot harder to open.

Nintendo also redesigned the dock. It feels better now. Solid plastic structure. The rear can be easily snapped off to reveal all internal ports, including the new LAN port, which enables wired Internet connectivity without an adapter. The new design also supports cable wiring, which will no doubt please those who want a clean setup.
Performance and battery life. There are no performance upgrades on standard switches, and the 1080P resolution looks rough on large TVS. Battery life is stable, lasting five hours using the Metroid Dread. The biggest disappointment with Switch OLED is the lack of performance upgrades - it still uses an Nvidia Tegra processor. For portable games, I don't think this is a big problem. Aside from the odd framerate, the first-party game still runs smoothly, and I doubt the resolution kicks in for a screen of this size. Bottom line: This console is still worth buying, of course, if you have a game console, I don't recommend it, because the screen is really too small, I suggest that if the budget is enough to buy a console is a safe choice. Purchase Link
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