Murad Vitamin C Glycolic Brightening Serum review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-11 21:03:54    文字:【】【】【

Murad is a high-performance skincare brand founded by renowned skin experts for more than 30 years. The brand promotes the concept of "decompression and skin care", which simplifies the skin care steps, decompresses the skin, and helps the skin to achieve optimal health. Murad products are best known for their anti-aging and anti-acne properties. Among them, VC essence is a best-selling product, the main improvement of dark, antioxidant effect. Let's take a look at Murad Vitamin C Glycolic Brightening Serum.

I have a lot of acne marks on my face and my skin is dark. I have always heard that vitamin C can whitening brightening, friends also said she was using acne print lightening, decided to try. Murad Vitamin C Glycolic Brightening Serum design is very special. Murad Vitamin C Glycolic Brightening Serum has a strange taste. I expected it to be citrus or something, but it smells more like seasoning, like anise pepper, which is very pleasant.

Its texture is the combination of emulsion refueling, strong ductility, light and light after pushing. Absorption is also OK, the face after absorption is moist, the oil is not heavy, played a role in increasing the effect of luster feeling, wet respect is also very good.

About Murad Vitamin C Glycolic Brightening Serum how about this problem, in general, it moisturizing effect is good, absorption can also be, brighten acne mark effect is also good, in addition to a little mud, no trouble. Purchase link

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