HUAWEI Matebook 16S
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-06-15 12:28:37    文字:【】【】【

I recently bought a very useful new laptop to give you a little review. This laptop is huaweis Mate Book 16s. Ive always wanted a laptop thats light and light, but also has a very good performance and a long battery life, with a larger screen that can be connected to a variety of cables.

My previous notebooks weighed five or six jin, which was very heavy to carry on my back. Huaweis notebook is relatively light, only two kilograms, only 1.8cm at the thinnest point.

Its a 16-inch laptop with a touch screen. The screen has a 3:2 ratio, and text is clear and easy to look at. For someone like me who needs to make a lot of forms, it looks very convenient. The display is also good, watch a movie, make pictures and videos. The color of the display is also very realistic. In recent years, its been working from home or running around with a laptop. Sometimes outdoors, sometimes in a cafe. Sometimes they have meetings on computers. This notebook has a very good function, is smart meeting, you can take minutes of the meeting, as long as you turn on smart voice, speak into the screen can be converted into text. If we are walking on the road and suddenly have an urgent meeting, another very important function will be reflected at this time. This function is its own AI Eye function, which can replace the background and intelligently reduce the noise, so that we are more quiet in the meeting and the background is not affected. At the same time, this notebook also wants to support the functions of APP. The APP used on mobile phones can be installed directly on this computer, and it is very convenient to order food or swipe Douyin together with the touch screen.

Another interesting feature of this laptop is multi-screen collaboration. This function is the data transmission and interaction between computer and mobile phone. Two display screens can be carried at the same time to realize data switching between multiple display screens. If you want to transfer photos from your phone, or if you want to store them on your computer, you can use this feature to transfer them directly. Just copy and paste and send everything to where you want it to go. The computer also has a very interesting function, is the intelligence search, if one day you want to check a long time ago file, you can use this function, at the same time the computer and mobile phone files are searched, find the file you want to find.

The aforementioned smart office, multi-screen collaboration, Smart search, and Smart Voice features are all very useful for our work, and the MateBook 16s. Not only does it do all that, it also has a very powerful processor. The highest core frequency up to 5G Hertz? It also has six performance cores and eight performance cores, which greatly increase the speed of its use. The laptop is very efficient when running memory-hungry programs, and is also fast when cutting videos.

At ordinary times, we often run several programs at the same time, some in the background, some in the foreground switch back and forth, at this time the laptop computer its multi-core processing. At the same time, we run pictures and make wechat email browser documents. The computer will not be stuck at all. Even if it is not connected to the power supply, it can run smoothly.

Out of the total worry about electricity, but this notebook computer it has a large capacity of the battery, the battery under normal use can use 5 to 6 hours, an hour can be fully charged.

The one with the big screen. Laptop makes my work and life take on a new look, I can do my work anytime and anywhere. Do any graphics, video clips, web editing, etc. effortlessly.

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