Noise cancelling headphones
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-06-15 13:19:22    文字:【】【】【

Nowadays, many people like to use wireless noise-cancelling earphones, because they are very convenient, no matter where you go, you can enjoy music quietly. Apples earphones and SONYs earphones are widely used in the market, and each brand has its own noise-cancelling earphones. Which one is better? Let me give you a quick assessment. For your information. My evaluation will be from the design weight of the earphone to the feeling inside the ear, as well as the overall evaluation of the material.

First of all, the weight of apples earphone is very light, only 5.4g. It has no feeling when you wear it, and it does not plug the ear canal, so it is very comfortable. SONYs headphones are not as light, as they weigh nearly twice as much as apples and are noticeably heavier than apples and a little uncomfortable to put in your ear, because they are made of polyurethane foam. This kind of material is similar to the kind of earplug we put in the ear for silence, it can be deformed and can be restored to the original shape, so the overall comfort of the ear is not so good, the inside of the ear feels tightly plugged.

For those of us who are used to Apple headphones, wearing these SONY headphones can be uncomfortable.

So before you buy headphones, be sure to try them out to see if your ears fit. SONYs headphones, because they can plug your ears in, have better noise reduction than Apples headphones. If youre looking for a bit more noise reduction, stick with these SONY headphones, which arent very comfortable, but do have better noise reduction than apples. This SONY headset has an active anti-wind feature, but this feature turns off the noise reduction feature. So if you want both wind dryness and noise reduction, or choose Apple headphones. In addition, the ambient sound used by SONY earphones will amplify some high-frequency sounds, which will sound extremely empty and elegant. If you wear headphones in the office, your ears will be full of keyboard sounds, but the ability to restore the ambient sound is still not as good as apple earphones.

In addition to noise reduction, sound quality is also an important factor in judging whether headphones are good or not. Which one is better? SONYs headphones are 360-degree virtual stereo, which adds authenticity to the sound. We put the same music into apple earphones and SONY earphones at the same time, and we found that SONY did have better sound quality, but for ordinary sound, there was not that much difference between the two earphones, so after testing several people, we found that for ordinary sound, the two earphones were about the same.

On the audio side of a call, SONYs noise-cancelling headphones incorporate bone conduction radio technology, but Apples headphones dont. Overall, SONYs performance was better than Apples in both listening to music and answering phone calls.

We used the iPhone to connect to SONYs noise cancel. in crowded places and noisy places, there would be temporary disconnection, but the Apple earphones did not break in this scene, so I wonder if it is because the iPhone is used, if you change to another model of phone, the situation might change. SONY and some of the highlights of functions, such as intelligent avoid picking function, this function will be when you switch to environmentally sound pattern, but there will be two or three seconds delay, if suddenly dont talk, may be after a few seconds will automatically switch to noise reduction, and continues to play music, if youre ready to make a phone call, he will always keep the environment the pattern of sound, It leads to being in a noisy environment and not being able to hear clearly on the phone.

After the final evaluation, I think both SONY earphone and Apple earphone are quite good. Personally, as I am an Apple user, I prefer Apples phone, because it matches apples phone very well. And Im not overly demanding on sound quality. But if you like the effect of noise, and sound quality requirements are very high, then you suggest you choose SONY headphones, under the Android system, SONY headphones can achieve better results.

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