Tennis Racket Evaluation
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-06-28 10:17:21    文字:【】【】【

Im here to give our family a tennis racket evaluation. Prince brand rackets are well known rackets, chosen by many athletes and professionals. This brand has been around for decades and has become a major brand for many people and athletes in the last two decades. Prince recently came out with the Textreme Tour 100T which is a new racquet that works really well.

Just received the racket, opened the package found it this racket bags do manual work is very good, and tear film, I found that the color of this racket and coating are particularly fine, he will give a suggestion on the racket on the number of pounds and range of the positive and negative pounds, we are basically in accordance with the standard advice of pounds to try first, Then depending on how the ball feels the next time the string is worn, increase the number of pounds or decrease the adjustment. Whether to use the racket, the first is to see its quality? The second is to give him the right configuration, so that he can reach an ideal condition, need a little time to fit in.

The racket is in the hand, its balance is quite appropriate, the index finger is extended to hang the racket on the top, the head and tail are very flat, the weight on both sides is relatively equal. The kick-off, I found him very comfortable, and the feeling of playing is controllable. Very labor-saving. Some rackets feel like they have been hit by someone, but when this racquet is on the body, there will be a courtesy to invite the ball in, so that the ball will be less deformed. The racket is easy to absorb the balls. As if to accept the ball, and send him a feeling, in the process of playing, feel the racket will follow the ball a longer road.

With the increase of the number of baseline groundstrokes, the change increased, encountered low and shallow ball center of gravity forward, hit the ball to the front of the net, found that in front of the net, his performance is also very good. The racquet is not very big. But the rebound is so good that it can pick up very little sensitivity. This racket can hold the ball. The lower string is clear, the ball can be very accurate, the ball is also down after landing. I also tried serve and return. Serve side spin, flat spin and topspin are all expected bonus points. Return can also bring up power and control.

Then I use this new rackets and friends to play a game, the game process of the active attack power is adjusted for to force the ball, although there is no previous faster but pitch adjusted, before and after pulling, take each other under control, and the new rackets let me to increase the success rate of, Chinese chestnut tolerance also increased, so the opponent can not undertake, There was a loophole. I won. This makes the comfort and control of the racket very obvious to me. There is no best racket, only a more suitable one. This racket gives me the feeling of comfort and control, and makes me look forward to using the ball as a physical way to exercise.

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