Photo Printer evaluation
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-08-28 16:42:09    文字:【】【】【

Recently, the Shanghai Consumer Rights and Interests Protection Commission carried out a comparative test on 20 household printers. It involves brands such as HP, HUAWEI, Canon and Mi Mi Jia, with prices ranging from 729 yuan to 1,999 yuan.

01 Laser printers are generally faster than inkjet printers

The home page output time of laser printer samples ranged from 7.6s to 10.1s, and the printing speed was more than 18 pages per minute. Among them, the samples of "Lexmark", "Fuji Xerox", "Fuji Xerox" and "PICOH Ricoh" reached 34 pages per minute, showing excellent performance.

In color printing mode, the homepage output time of inkjet printer sample is 12.7s to 25.4s, and the maximum continuous printing speed is 6 pages per minute. It takes 59s to 105s to print a color photo.

02 Emission of harmful substances: 7 samples have excellent performance

Four of the 20 printer samples are marked with Chinas environmental mark, the Ten Ring mark, which indicates that they meet specific environmental requirements in production and use. They are Fuji Xerox, Canon Canon, Deli Deli and KYOCERA KYOCERA.

This comparative test tested the discharge of harmful substances of the printer, and the results showed that the overall performance was good, including 7 samples with excellent performance, and the discharge rate of each harmful substance was less than 10% of the relevant standard limit. They include Hp, Hp, KYOCERA, KYOCERA, HUAWEI, Canon, Canon, Brother, and Mi.

Emission assessment of hazardous substances from laser printers

03 The best measured print resolution of many samples is different from the declared one

In terms of default print resolution, the overall performance was good, with 10 samples making an express statement (600×600dpi), all but two of which met the claim.

In terms of the best printing resolution, the measured values of many samples are inconsistent with the declared values or even significantly different. Only one printer with the nominal brand of HP Sprocket Portable 2x3" Instant Photo Printer meets the declared value.

04 Laser printers are generally faster than inkjet printers

In terms of user experience, the measurements found that laser printer samples were generally heavier but relatively small. Laser printer samples ranged from 4.59kg to 9.76kg, and ink-jet samples ranged from 2.92kg to 6.09kg. The volume of the whole machine is less than 0.05m3, and the duty cycle of the inkjet printer sample can be up to 5.8 times of its volume when it is deployed.

According to the relevant standards, the actual output of 15 laser printers has reached the declared value, and the cost of a single page is about 0.06 yuan/page to 0.30 yuan/page. Laser printers are generally faster than inkjet printers

For example, the nominal laser printer produced by KYOCERA Office Equipment Technology (Dongguan) Co., LTD., the nominal trademark is KYOCERA, the nominal specification model is FS-1060DN, the cost of a single page is 0.06 yuan/page; The nominal laser printer produced by Hewlett-Packard Co., LTD., China, with the nominal brand HP and the nominal specification model LaserJet Pro MFP M30w, costs 0.30 yuan per page

1. Select the printer type as required. At the same price, when the printing volume is large and the document is mainly printed in black and white, the black and white laser printer is preferred. For color printing and photo printing needs, the inkjet printer is recommended.

2 a reasonable view of the consumables page output declared value. Laboratory data ≠ actual situation, affected by factors such as document and print quality selection, the actual amount of printing obtained by users may be biased.

3. When printing continuously with large printing volume, pay attention to keep the environment ventilated to avoid harmful substances staying indoors for a long time.

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