A selection of yoga tops and pants
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-08-28 16:51:50    文字:【】【】【

In order to be more engaged in yoga, mind and body integration, are you also worried about how to choose yoga clothes? Then keep your eyes open and start taking notes in your little notebook.

There are four general directions for choosing yoga clothes:

First: Be comfortable and natural. We have to remember that we are there to exercise, not walk the red carpet, so anything that makes you feel miserable should be avoided. We go to do yoga are basically some body stretch relatively large movements, at this time to choose yoga clothing must be able to maintain our limbs flexible. So you don't want the clothes to be too tight, too tight, if it's too tight and too tight when you do the movement, you will definitely tie your hands and feet, it's not natural, so elastic, but not too tight is the key. Again is not too loose, some little sister feel loose point does not show meat. But if you don't want to organize your clothes at the same time, I hope you can choose the right size so that you will be more engaged in the exercise.

Second: it is in the fabric to absorb sweat breathable, elastic. It is true that yoga clothes with cotton and linen are breathable, but they have no elasticity at all, which is a real headache for us. Furthermore, some chemical fiber fabrics are not breathable at all, and the whole yoga process will feel like I am in a garbage bag, all sticky and uncomfortable. So on the choice of cloth also must choose those absorb sweat to discharge wet cloth. When you buy it, you must compare it more. If the skin is not breathable for a long time, it is likely to get eczema. So keep your eyes peeled for the joy of yoga.

Number three: Always protect your belly button. Yoga practitioners pay attention to self-cultivation. When we do yoga, we have a magnetic field running through the whole abdominal cavity. If the belly button is exposed, it will easily cool us down and affect our exercise results. Whether it is a long dress, or a long pants must cover the navel, so that it is conducive to the positive development of our body.

Fourth: DO NOT HAVE too many decorations ON the clothes, we do yoga animals are very big, and some also stick to the ground, then these decorations on you will not be good, so, when choosing yoga clothes must pay attention to this aspect, after all, safety is the most important.

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