Electric toothbrush evaluation
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-08-28 17:08:30    文字:【】【】【

Electric toothbrush is welcome by the masses, but I would like to remind everybody is, the so-called crossover big-name, web celebrity brand is essentially factory OEM generation of processing, the effort spent on marketing, a large number of rapid spike of advertisements to attract consumers, but in the protection of gum teeth, the crowd compatibility, vibration frequency, and the core aspects of the lack of professional set-up optimization, product tooth injury rate is very high, After use, it is easy to appear short-term brushing bleeding, toothpain, serious will aggravate gingivitis, periodontitis and other problems! What brand of electric toothbrush is good? I deliberately measured 28 electric toothbrush, now to give you an inventory of the specific purchase of new skills, and very recommended six models! 

What brand of electric toothbrush is good? Before recommending electric toothbrush brands, I would like to share with you the following five tips for choosing electric toothbrush, which are the dry goods summed up by experience:

1. Choose a professional electric toothbrush

To priority protection of gingiva tooth precipitation technology brands, professional brand behind the adjustment and optimization is very time-consuming, involved in the set-up dimension very much, such as vibration frequency range, the dynamic strength, swing Angle and so on more than hundred set-up parameters and indicators, perfect fit Chinese oral status data, now just to match a crowd is 8 times higher than those web celebrity big!

2. Choose a brush head with a roundness of more than 80%!

The technical details of the brush head are very much, such as the level of roundness directly affects the degree of gum protection. So we'd better choose the style with roundness over 80%!

3. Choose more reliable after sales

Electric toothbrush is preferred to choose the brand with a long warranty time, which is undoubtedly more guaranteed after sale. In addition, it is also necessary to preferentially choose the brand that supports trial. You can find the most suitable style through the mouth inspection. Be sure to stay away from those unpacking and not return the brand, not suitable for return, waste of money not to say, forced use easy to lead to all kinds of tooth injury problems!

4. Try to buy products with maglev motors

Try to choose the products with maglev motor, transmission loss is smaller, vibration is more uniform and stable, quality life is better.

5. Choose a variety of stalls

Teeth The mouth is a dynamic and changing environment that sometimes needs to be used in different gears. The more gear modes, the more elaborate the setting of the use scene, the better the adaptability to complex oral changes, and the span between adjacent gears should be reasonable.

Said the purchase of skills, but also to remind you, now Chinese oral quality deviation, more than 90% of people suffer from periodontal disease (as shown below), in order to avoid dental disease, dentists and other professionals suggest that you should use a powerful advantage of electric toothbrush to improve oral cleaning effect.

The advantages of electric toothbrush are briefly summarized as follows: 1. Electric toothbrush has stronger cleaning power and can effectively clean dental plaque, even in the dead corners of manual toothbrush in the areas with high incidence of dental diseases, such as interdental space, tooth crown and tooth back, it can also achieve good cleaning effect, which can effectively prevent and improve dental diseases. 2. The vibration frequency of electric toothbrush is uniform and stable, and it is very accurate in controlling the brushing intensity, which is completely different from the manual toothbrush which is light and heavy. 3. Electric toothbrush saves time and effort. It only takes 2 minutes to achieve a good cleaning effect, while manual toothbrush takes more than 10 minutes to have the same effect. 4, the use of electric toothbrush, can clean the food residue in the mouth, keep fresh breath, avoid bad breath, long-term use can also whiten teeth!

What brand of electric toothbrush is good? Next, I will recommend you to choose from these electric toothbrush models, you can refer to:

Orle B electric toothbrush

Recommended reason: Classic style, high recognition


This manual toothbrush from Oral-B Genius X Limited is very recognizable, its highlight is the unique round brush head, and the brand's advertised 3D cleaning technology of side-to-side rotation and front-to-back vibration is also quite eye-catching. This is a classic that has been sold for a long time and has stood the test of the market. It comes in three modes. The cleansing mode quickly fades plaque and doesn't bother us with bacteria in two minutes, while the massage mode is softer.

What brand of electric toothbrush is good? The above is my answer. You can refer to the six electric toothbrushes I shared, or use the purchase skills mentioned to choose your own. But pay attention to stay away from those who exceed the power of star endorsement, net red with goods damaged teeth products! We should choose suitable for themselves, have professional technical support, do not hurt the teeth of the product, so as to better protect our oral health. Finally, dentists suggest that we use electric toothbrushes as soon as possible. Let's take action!

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