How to choose the right dough mixer
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-08-29 20:46:58    文字:【】【】【

1, according to the species and machines can be divided into vacuum and non-vacuum and flour machine, vacuum and flour machine is simulated, under the principle of vacuum, gluten network formation, protein structure is balanced, tension is far better than other shapes and surface and surface effect. The handling of the goods has smooth texture, high transparency and good elasticity. Compared with the surface quality of vacuum and flour machine and. Suitable for large factories, canteens, hotels and other places.

2. According to the different places of use, the dough machine can be divided into household dough machine and large electric dough machine. The biggest difference between the two is that the speed of the surface is not the same. The speed of the household mixer is small, suitable for families, bakeries and other places to use. And large electric dough machine is suitable for hotels, pasta factories and other places.

3, the dough machine can be divided into horizontal, vertical, single axis, double axis, half axis and so on according to different styles. Vertical mixing machine has good sealing performance, no running, leakage, easy to clean. The dough mixed by the horizontal mixer under vacuum condition has loose surface and even interior, high gluten value, good elasticity, high transparency, non-bonding and smooth taste.

4, according to the quality of the dough machine to buy.

Do you know how to buy a dough mixer

1. The choice of dough maker mainly depends on whether the inner wall of the dough maker is smooth. If the inner wall of the mixer is smooth, the flour can be kneaded more exquisitely and evenly. Pay attention to whether the dough will be stirred out when the mixer is working.

2. Pay attention to the power and specifications of the dough machine. Generally speaking, the power of the dough machine is mostly between 100-400, if the demand is large, you can freely choose a larger dough machine.

3. Pay attention to the heat dissipation function of the dough maker. The dough machine will produce a certain amount of heat in the work of the project, so we must ask more about the heat dissipation function of the dough machine, and the heat dissipation is good and the life of the dough machine is longer.

4, pay attention to the selection of dough machine brand. Mixer should choose by simulating manual and systems, scientific power ratio, can accurate control, time and slow nip pressure kneading, fast and the strength of dough, moreover also wake surface function, no longer waiting for the dough to wake, only need to and when selected ferment time, will be able to finish synchronization and wake up face work, and make dumplings will more chewy, The texture is delicate and smooth.

Delish by DASH Compact Stand Mixer, 3.5 Quart with Beaters & Dough Hooks Included

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