GUERLAIN Abeille Royale Advanced Youth Watery Oil set Review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-08-30 19:02:18    文字:【】【】【

GUERLAIN Abeille Royale Advanced Youth Watery it has an attack of natural repairing power from premium royal jelly and rich black bee honey from Auaican Island; it has an attack of moisturizing and refreshing skin texture. It has a remarkable effect of maintaining and repairing skin. The skin looks as if it is rejuvenating from the inside, becoming smoother and firmer. The skin is fresh and delicate, full and soft, showing young and bright. Moisturize and brighten your skin! Repair skin, fade fine wrinkles! The texture is fresh and not sticky.

Guerlain Double Tube Essence Half Gel: exfoliates, tights pores and brights skin; Half of the emulsion: pull tight to smooth wrinkles this is two bottle tube two as one, pump head pressed on both sides of the liquid out together; It feels super comfortable and not greasy at all. It nourishes enough and makes the skin super tender after use. Combined with restorative honey, Guerlain is the strongest CP, restorative honey combined with double tube essence works great.

Have an attack of Guerlain Abeille Royale Advanced Youth have Watery skin; it has strong repair power and is the best bet for anti-aging! Three drops at a time, one bottle for more than a year. Some people say that oil skin is not suitable for use, which is wrong, first it absorbs quickly, the second oil skin is also water shortage, a bottle of use, you will find that the skin has been greatly improved, not oil dry.

Guerlain Bee King Water, large capacity! The positioning of this product is the essence of water, basic moisturizing at the same time with repair effect! The new version of moisture is higher, the old version of transparent liquid, the new version of milky white, strong liquidity.

Guerlain Abeille Royale Cream, day and night cream, lightening wrinkles and firming skin. Continuing the beauty legend of the Queen Bee's Beauty Serum, this unbeatable, smooth and balanced cream is instantly absorbed into the skin. Smooth texture brings fresh sensory experience, soft and smooth skin, significantly reduce wrinkles and fine lines, leaving skin glowing.

Guerlain Palace Grade Abeille Royale Eye Cream 15ml, Guerlain's exclusive royal Jelly, the new Palace Grade Abeille Royale eye cream helps smooth skin, fill and repair eye muscle density. With each application, it smoothes out wrinkles and fine lines, makes the whole eye look firm and flawless, reduces dark circles and puffiness. For a period of time, the area around the eyes presents a lasting young beauty. Really silky smooth, sweeping movements lightly across the skin, forming a super-fine film that covers the entire area around the eye to the temple. Purchase Link

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