Shiseido Eudermine Revitalizing Essence review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-03 20:21:33    文字:【】【】【

This essence water has been bought back 3 bottles, super moist texture ~ coated with non-dry oil.

Shiseido Eudermine Revitalizing Essence is the treasure of Shiseido. It has been popular for nearly a century and is still the representative product of Shiseido. It has high hydrating effect, exfoliating effect and rejuvenating effect.

Shiseido is the first skin care products, small partners ready to buy SK2 essence of water, you can consider this more cost-effective essence of water! This ESSENCE WATER IS a GOOD MIX OF half WATER AND half essence. It not only has hydrating and moisturizing effect, but also is said to enhance the skin's metabolic ability, improve the skin from the deep layer, keep the skin moist, adjust the skin's adaptation cycle, and create angelic skin. Adjust the metabolism of skin, gently remove aged horny, make skin texture delicate, full of transparency, optimize the epidermal metabolism function, help generate healthy cells, mediation mood peony fragrance, unique peony fragrance can relax the mood, make people feel comfortable.
This bottle with classic design achieves an elegant combination of vintage and modern
Suitable FOR: ALL skin above 18 years old can be used, especially for dry facial skin.
This essence water has the following characteristics:
1. Lock the moisture in the cuticle and moisturize the skin fully.
2, effectively remove horniness, keep skin moist.
3, make the metabolic function of the cell return to normal state.
4, mild touch, penetrate into the skin to achieve moisture effect.
Key words 1: soft + smooth = moist good muscle. Shiseido's biological science and technology "biological hyaluronic acid complex" of the birth of the moisturizing ingredients, can form a transparent water film on the surface of the skin, make the water flow to the depths of the stratum corneum, lock moisture in skin, increase skin softness and smoothness, low humidity, high moisture absorption force, high humidity, low moisture absorption force, maintaining moderate skin moist, At the same time, gently remove the aged horny, leaving the skin with fine texture and a sense of transparency.
Key word 2: improve skin vitality. Trypsin is used to cut off desmosomes, which are the next material of the cuticle, when unnecessary keratin is removed from the skin. The activity of trypsin decreases with age, and the unnecessary keratin becomes difficult to be removed naturally from the skin (keratin relamination). Trypsin is inhibited by activating a cutin purifying component (glycine inducer).
Key words 3: Anti-aging skin, fragrance super cure. Shseido has developed a new ingredient, CarnosineDPTM (CarnosineDPTM), to keep the skin alive. CarnosineDPTM, along with the special repair ingredient Carnosine PTM, is a dipeptide form of two amino acids. The biological compound is naturally formed in muscle tissue. It has anti-wrinkle and anti-aging effect. Purchase Link
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