​ 5 kinds of foundation liquid evaluation/review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-05 22:24:13    文字:【】【】【

In this evaluation, we will evaluate the foundation of 5 brands from three dimensions: makeup holding power, concealer power and makeup effect.

The model is a mixed skin lady, 35 years old, with large pores and an uneven complexion.

In order to control the variables to the greatest extent, one person will try out all the foundations and try to present the results objectively and truthfully.


I've been using this foundation for a few months and it's still good. I didn't like the foundation at first. Because before using HD that, 3 hours to take off makeup, and there is no concealer. First of all, the packaging style has changed from MUF's classic black bottle to this light milk tea color. This is still a little unique down, extrusion texture is not liquid, creamy feeling. Ductility also has 8 points, push the feel is very smooth and comfortable. Moderate concealer is OK for general skin, but additional concealer should be used for severely defective skin.

But superposition force is very good, the first time did not cover, and then local superposition of the second layer is OK. Focus on the makeup effect, the face is not thick. It really has the color of imitation skin, the makeup effect is semi-matte texture, there will be a slight skin gloss, but it will not look greasy. Under the eyes, corners of the mouth, nose these places can also be very smooth. Hold makeup power can also, summer 6 hours or maintain good. Oil control is a few worse, suit mixed muscle more, oily skin word should do oil control ability to use. But there is also a big bug, is the oxidation of huge fast, 3 minutes directly black 1 color, really a little surprising. Although said 10 minutes after almost no change, but with this "change of face" speed, when buying can choose a white color more stable.

2.Sisley Foundation

This is a new type of foundation that focuses on nude makeup and looks perfect for summer. Its texture is moist hanging, silk like texture, good ductility. It's easy to push, even and smooth. But with a watery foundation like this, concealer can't be done very well. However, it can also play a good role in the evenness of skin tone, on the face of blemishes more than a few times can cover up to 80%.

When you first put it on, this foundation has a very strong gloss. After 5 minutes, you can find that it is more integrated with the skin, and there is no pink feeling at all. It's perfect as a fake no-makeup foundation. The makeup is very natural, no masquerade at all. Powdery knock thin, like emulsion, a kind of face cream both visual sense. After 6 hours, there will be some light de-powder under the eyes and in the dry areas of the cheeks. This IS a moisturizing foundation liquid, so the whole day will not be uncomfortable, or very moist, sensitive muscle can also be used.

3. Guerlain's Gold Diamond Foundation

This foundation is really classy. I expect it to be moist and light and powdery. Overhand feeling powder is still very delicate, granular sense small, silky good push. It won't run, like a light cheese texture. The concealer is also about 70%, which is not full cover. General acne marks and spots can still be covered.

Another trick I use to improve my concealer is to use my fingers or a dry sponge to add more concealer. The makeup effect on the face is really full of excellent, better than the old version of foundation! The skin has a good fit, especially natural. The face looks pretty smooth and delicate. Hold makeup power medium, the place that pore is big can have a few FLOAT powder. Although the foundation shows signs of disappearing, it's not disfiguring. In addition, the antioxidant is a little weak, 5 minutes of oxidation contrast, about 0.5 degrees dark, but it is acceptable.

4. Estee Lauder Platinum Foundation

I tested the old white gold foundation. That was amazing. The new version of this bottle, in terms of texture, powder and extension, is of a very high standard. It is commendable that the concealer is all improved and the obvious flaws can also be covered. I really don't want a thick foundation in summer, and this foundation is very convenient. The 5-minute antioxidant test also performed very well, with almost no chromatic aberration. Moreover, the new white gold foundation liquid instant makeup effect is also really good, after using the cream muscle. The makeup is very advanced and works much better than normal liquid foundation.

But holding makeup really doesn't work. Along with the brand's low price foundation can not match. Float powder, take off makeup still pretty serious, still affect the kind of makeup effect.

5.YSL NU Colored face cream

YSL's breakthrough new product this year, NU BARE LOOK colored face cream, is worth a try.

Let me test it. Compared with his family's usual pompous style, this packaging is quite low-key. It has the feeling of a laboratory brand. Since it is colored face cream, the concealer is not full cover, but only 50%. Like natural clear makeup sense of treasure son, but also pretty appetite.

It has a light musky smell, and it smells good. The texture is very light, with a natural moisturizing sheen and a little bit of skin abrasion.

It's got a lot of antioxidant power. There is not much color difference. The color number I bought is NU 2, which will be yellow for Huang Yibai. But this kind of base makeup is still quite high to the skin condition requirement, as long as every has a little skin, acne can not be used alone. Just on the face will show a little skin grain, but after a period of time out of oil, but the makeup effect is more delicate. I don't use any setting powder at all, but the oil control is good.

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