Canon MF3010 review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-06 09:09:29    文字:【】【】【

Before we release the speed results, let's review the official specifications for the Canon MF3010: Home page output time of 7.8 seconds or less and print speed of 18 pages/minute. We're going to run a speed test using PrintBench.

Canon MF3010 black and white laser all-in-one printing speed test results

Through the PrintBench test, we can see that the Canon MF3010 has a real test continuous output speed of 17.615 pages/min, which is off the nominal value of 18 pages/min. And its 8.609 seconds home page output time, with the official nominal 7.8 seconds or less, there is an error, and the gap is large.

We conducted a conventional print speed test on Canon MF3010 and concluded that when the product prints different documents, the home page output time is relatively stable, with a maximum gap of 5 seconds. The continuous output speed is fast, but the fluctuation is large.

After regular scanning and copying speed tests, we can see that the scanning speed of the product is fast and the copying speed is also good.

Canon MF3010 black and white laser all-in-one for routine sample printing we can see that the printer printed documents of good quality, clear handwriting, even if the eight handwriting, can also see. By enlarging the KDY sample printed by Canon MF3010 black and white laser all-in-one, we found that the 4P font was blurred and difficult to identify in the area of black type printed on white background. On the other hand, the white font area on black background had less trouble recognizing the 4P font, and the other fonts performed well.

In addition, as can be seen from the KDY proof, the machine performs well in the color transition, the transition is almost obvious, except for the gray color block transition, from 80%, the transition is not very natural. In addition, the machine in the printing of fine stripes, there will be intermittent lines, coherence is not very good.

Canon MF3010 black and white laser multifunction all-in-one machine, print quality is satisfactory. Even if it is an eight-point font, it is easy to recognize and clearly visible. However, Canon MF3010 in the printing accuracy of the performance, a little less than satisfactory. When we enlarge the details on the KDY proof sheet, we can clearly see that the printed thin lines are intermittent, sometimes absent, and there are burrs on the edges. The performance in accuracy is slightly poor. By magnifying the Canon MF3010 black and white laser all-in-one scanning document samples, we can see that the text edge is jagged, writing resolution performance is general. Purchase Link

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