Why is a rowing machine recommended for fat loss? 3 Big benefits tell you to lose weight
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-09 09:30:33    文字:【】【】【

Why is a rowing machine recommended for fat loss? 3 Big benefits tell you to lose weight. 

The benefits of rowing machine one, weight loss

Many people in the use of rowing machine, there will be a feeling, this rowing machine resistance so light, can really lose weight?

It is safe to say that as long as it is aerobic exercise, all have the effect of burning fat, and rowing machine compared with running, cycling and other sports, use more muscles of the whole body, the consumption of calories is also more, the body's excess fat is converted into heat combustion, weight naturally Dally rubbing down.

Of course, all exercise needs a time and process. Even if it is more efficient to burn fat, you still need to row 30 minutes to 60 minutes every day, and insist on at least 30 days before you can see the effect. No matter how good the effect of the rowing machine is, it needs us to participate in the exercise.

In addition, rowing machines exercise more muscles and have a more obvious effect on shaping our whole body. Compared with running, rowing machines have less damage to knees and basically no burden. They are also more friendly to people with heavy weight or knee injuries.

Rowing machine benefits two, exercise cardiopulmonary function

The heart and lungs is fundamental to our healthy body, many body issues, often on cardiopulmonary function than the average person is poor, and rowing machine as aerobic exercise, in the process of each row, heart rate will be improved, the body's largest oxygen uptake were promoted, speed up metabolism, cardiopulmonary function nature also will be better and better.

Along with improved cardiopulmonary function, our endurance will also be stronger than the average person. While others will be exhausted by wheezing after 5 minutes of exercise, we can easily run 10km without any problems.

Rowing machine benefits three, improve muscle mass

Rowing can be divided into strength stage and recovery stage, during the strength process, our leg muscles, hip muscles, abdominal muscles, back muscles and arm muscles will be involved in 84% of the body muscles, strengthen the whole body muscle exercise, our body muscle mass will be improved.

Another benefit of muscle improvement is that it increases our basal metabolic function, which means that we burn a few more calories per day than others. Basal metabolism is faster than others. Even if we are sitting, we will continue to burn calories.

For girls, another advantage of improving muscle mass is that the posture will be better, the former flat buttock will become a better look after exercise, the former excessive bent shoulder back, will be re-lifted, more natural posture.

In general, rowing machine is a very suitable exercise machine for home use, if you want to have an exercise machine in the house, then it is recommended to choose rowing machine, the whole family can use it to do exercise. Purchase Link

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