Kiehl's ultra facial cream review
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-12 10:45:19    文字:【】【】【

The packaging of Kiehl's ultra facial cream continues Kiehl's unified and simple design, so that the product has obvious identification and high recognition. The face cream uses a wide-mouth bottle design, and the texture of the moisturizer is cream like, and the delicate texture can be spread out well on the skin without any essence odor.

It can be seen from the test that after flipping the back of the hand, there are few sticky foam balls on the back of the hand after using. Kiehl's High moisturizer has excellent refreshing property, which can quickly penetrate into the skin and be absorbed without too much grease. Moisturizing and moisturizing is the pursuit of all skin types. Good skin care products can bring water moistening feeling after use, and the face will not be dry and tight. Now let's see what Kiehl's High Moisturizer can do to moisturize our skin!

The refreshing of a skin care product is not only related to the consumer's skin comfort, but also related to the product can quickly penetrate the skin to bring nourishment. Let's take a look at the refreshing of Kiehl's High moisturizer. It can be seen from the test that after flipping the back of the hand, there are few sticky foam balls on the back of the hand after using. Kiehl's High moisturizer has excellent refreshing property, which can quickly penetrate into the skin and be absorbed without too much grease.

Kiehl's ultra facial cream texture is white cream, delicate and moist, good refreshing, no sticky feeling when used, its instant moisturizing effect is obvious, frozen protective protein and squalane moisturizing ingredients, can give the skin to form a protective layer, help the skin to add a lot of moisture, and the water locking effect is obvious. With this high moisturizer, it can effectively improve dry skin and make the skin appear tender and smooth, which is perfect for the skin suffering from dry and dehydration problems. Purchase link

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