The Body Shop Ginger Scalp Care Shampoo
作者:管理员    发布于:2022-09-14 08:43:59    文字:【】【】【

Thebodyshop is a personal grooming brand from the UK, which has a history of more than 40 years and has a worldwide popularity. Its products have gained many consumers' love with high quality and high cost performance, among which The Body Shop Ginger Scalp Care Shampoo is one of the most popular products, let's take a look at its use effect.

I have a lot of hair loss. Although I have a lot of hair, every time I look at the hair that falls off, I can't help imagining whether I am going to be the heroine of the drama. So I always want to try ginger shampoo. I got the thebodyshop when I heard that it is suitable for oily hair, because my hair is also quite soft, and if I don't wash it for a day, it will be very greasy, so I'm embarrassed to go out.

Thebodyshop ginger shampoo is close to transparent texture, the foaming on the hand is relatively general, basically can not make anything, but after the head is very dense, a lot of bubbles, still pretty cool. The scalp feels fresh after washing, and it's not the dry type. It also has a light and elegant scent of ginger (not quite the same as I imagined, but I think it smells good), which can last for a day and a half. It's all over the pillow now, and it's very comforting. The Body Shop Ginger Scalp Care Shampoo deoiling effect is really good, after blowing hair is fluffy and shiny, comb is also very smooth, there is a little oil control effect, now two days without washing completely OK. It's really good. It's a lot less hair loss. Overall, The Body Shop Ginger Scalp Care Shampoo has a light and pleasant scent, which is smooth, fluffy and shiny after washing. It's worth a try. Purchase Link

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